Since the “War on Drugs” began back in the 1970s, states across the U.S. have universally streng...
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What Is the Punishment for the Possession or Sale of Oxycodone in Tennessee?
For the past several decades the United States has waged the “War on Drugs” across the country i...
Can I Be Arrested for Trafficking If I Have a Prescription?
Although the “War on Drugs” has been underway in the United States since the 1970s, it has taken...
What If the Police Want You to Cooperate in a Drug Investigation?
Imagine that you are stopped by the police and they find illegal drugs on you. Naturally, you are sc...
What Is the Punishment for Possession of Marijuana in Tennessee?
In recent years, the push to re-legalize marijuana and/or to make medical marijuana legal, has swept...
Free Report: Drug Charges and Penalties in Tennessee
The U.S. federal government classifies drugs according to the Controlled Substance Act, CSA. Most st...
Can I Be Violated for Failing a Drug Test in Tennessee?
If you have been convicted of a criminal offense in Tennessee and are serving a period of time on pr...