Few issues within a divorce have more potential to turn an amicable divorce into an adversarial batt...
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What to Expect on Probation
If you are considering entering into a guilty plea agreement that requires you to serve a period of ...
What Happens During Jury Selection?
One of the most important decisions you will be faced with making as a defendant in a criminal prose...
Criminal Law Terms Every Defendant Needs to Know
If you were recently arrested and charged with a criminal offense, and this is your first encounter ...
Why Would I Want a Jury Trial?
As a defendant in a criminal prosecution, you will find that you need to make a number of important,...
Can I Sue a Business If I Am Injured on Their Property?
How many times have you heard someone say “accidents happen” as a sort of universal explanation ...
Police Arrest Man after Tennessee Crime Spree
Police arrested a 35 year old man recently in Nashville after a chase that involved two carjackings ...