In recent years, the opioid epidemic in the United States has caused a shift in enforcement efforts ...
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Can I Keep My Children from Being Around My Ex-Spouse’s New Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
When parents go through a divorce, that divorce impacts the children as well as the parents. Hopeful...
Understanding Adult Guardianship in Tennessee
At some point in your life, you may be faced with the decision to seek guardianship over an adult fa...
What Is a Post-Adoption Contact Agreement?
Not all that long ago, the concept of an “open adoption” did not exist. Once a child was adopted...
What Is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order?
Divorce is the legal process that separates one married life into two separate lives. Part of that p...
Do I Need a Lawyer to Contest a Will?
When a loved one passes away, managing the grief you experience afterward can be extremely difficult...
What to Do If Taken into Custody by the Police
Unfortunately, you rarely have notice prior to being taken into custody by the police. In fact, it c...
Divorcing a Spouse Who Has a Mental Illness
Going through a divorce is difficult under any circumstances. If your spouse is suffering from a men...
Why You Should Not Use a DIY Will
For most people, the first document they create when working on an estate plan is a Last Will and Te...