In a “closed” adoption the adoptive parents do not know the identity of the birthparents and vic...
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Free Report: How Will My Jury Be Selected for My Tennessee Criminal Trial?
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an ...
My Husband Was Killed in a Motorcycle Accident. Am I Entitled to Compensation from the At-Fault Driver for the Loss of My Husband?
Losing a loved one is extremely difficult to accept under any circumstances. If you believe the loss...
Does Every Personal Injury Matter Have to Go to Trial?
If you suffered injuries in a car “accident”, slip and fall “accident”, or any other type of...
Can I Leave the County While on Probation in Tennessee?
When you are convicted of a criminal offense in the State of Tennessee you may be sentenced to a ter...
When A Child Is Born Out of Wedlock in Tennessee Who Has Custody of the Child?
Not all that long ago, it was relatively rare for a child to be born out of wedlock, or to unmarried...
Why Is It Important to Hire an Attorney after Your Motorcycle Accident in Tennessee?
If you are a motorcycle enthusiast you already know that the State of Tennessee provides some of the...
Can I Take the Kids Out of the Country?
If you are the custodial parent of minor children you likely have a divorce decree or other court or...
What Do I Have to Prove to Modify a Parenting Schedule in Tennessee?
When the parents of a minor child get divorced in the State of Tennessee they are required to create...