New Year’s is typically a time for celebrating – out with the old and in with the new. It is als...
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Updating Your Estate Plan — A New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep
A new year is upon us once again. This year, why not make a New Year’s resolution that protects yo...
If a Witness Lies Is There Anything My Criminal Lawyer Can Do?
In a criminal trial the State typically relies on witness testimony to prove its case against the de...
How Does Divorce Affect Your Health?
Everyone knows that the legal process of divorce is unlikely to be easy or stress-free – but just ...
What to Do If You Are Pulled Over for a DUI
This time people travel near and far to celebrate the holidays with family and friends. Along with a...
How to Navigate Child Therapy with a Co-Parent
Therapy can be an excellent way for children to deal with their emotions during a divorce. Your chil...
Do I Need a Probate Attorney?
There is a good chance that you will benefit from the advice and/or assistance of a probate attorney...
Holiday Survival Tips for the Divorced Parent
This time of the year is supposed to be full of laughter and cheer; however, when you are a divorced...
What Happens If My Ex-Spouse Files for Custody in Another State?
Imagine that you and your former spouse have minor children together and were divorced in Tennessee,...