divorce in smyrna

How to Navigate a High Conflict Divorce

Navigating a high-conflict divorce can be one of the most emotionally and financially draining experiences of your life. Whether your divorce is contentious because of a custody battle, a dispute over property, or simply the result of ongoing animosity, a high-conflict divorce requires careful handling to protect your well-being and your legal rights. Ultimately, getting through a high-conflict divorce requires a combination of emotional resilience, strategic planning, and expert legal guidance. With that in mind, a Murfreesboro divorce attorney at Bennett | Michael | Hornsbydivorce in smyrna discusses some strategies to help you effectively navigate a high conflict divorce.

Focus on What You Can Control

In a high-conflict divorce, it is easy to get bogged down focusing on your spouse’s negative behavior and the things you cannot control. Instead of doing that, focus on what you can control. The reality is that you cannot control how your spouse acts, but you can control your own actions and how to respond to your spouse. Focus on managing your emotions, staying organized, and following through with the legal process and try to avoid engaging in unnecessary conflict, even if your spouse attempts to provoke you.

Prioritize Your Children

Your children’s physical and mental well-being should be your top priority throughout the divorce process. Unfortunately, high-conflict divorces can be particularly damaging to children, especially when they are caught in the middle and forced to pick sides. Although it is not always possible to completely shield children from conflict, do so when you can and avoid speaking negatively about your spouse around the kids. Locate a therapist or child psychologist who can work with your children to help them navigate the divorce. Finally, talk to your attorney about creating a Parenting Plan that minimizes conflict and prioritizes the best interests of your children.

Work with an Experienced Divorce Attorney

One of the most important steps you can take in a high-conflict divorce is to hire an experienced divorce attorney. Not only can an experienced divorce attorney protect your rights throughout the divorce process, but your attorney can act as a buffer between you and your spouse, limiting the opportunities for conflict to erupt. 

Document Everything

In a high conflict divorce it is even more important to document everything. Gather important documents before initiating the divorce and give copies to your attorney. In addition, document all communications and interactions with your spouse leading up to and during the divorce process. Keep a journal in which you summarize telephone calls, face-to-face interactions, and electronic communications with your spouse. If your spouse threatens you, contact the police and get a copy of the report. You may wish to talk to you attorney about the need for a restraining order or the benefits of requesting supervised visitation if applicable.

Consider Mediation or Collaborative Divorce

Your spouse may not be amenable to the idea; however, mediation or collaborative divorce can be surprisingly effective in some high-conflict divorces. In mediation, a neutral third party helps both spouses negotiate an agreement while collaborative divorce involves both parties working with their attorneys and other professionals to reach a settlement without going to court. Sometimes the non-adversarial nature of these options can de-escalate conflict and lead to a more amicable resolution. 

Protect Your Mental and Emotional Health

It is crucial to prioritize self-care because a high-conflict divorce can take a significant toll on your mental and emotional health. Support is the key, whether it comes from friends, family, a therapist, or a support group. Taking care of your physical and mental health enables you to make better decisions throughout the divorce process.

Prepare for the Long Haul

Expect a protracted and costly divorce if your divorce involves considerable conflict. Knowing that going into the process is crucial so that you manage your expectations throughout the process. Your divorce attorney can provide you with the best estimate of how long your divorce is likely to take and offer suggestions for things you can do to help move the process along as quickly as possible. 

Contact a Murfreesboro Divorce Attorney 

If you have additional questions about divorce in Tennessee, consult with an experienced Murfreesboro divorce attorney at Bennett | Michael | Hornsby as soon as possible. Contact the team today by calling 615-898-1560 to schedule your free appointment.


Dinah Michael