Dividing Debts and Assets in a Tennessee Divorce

Free Report: Dividing Debts and Assets in a Tennessee Divorce

Dividing Debts and Assets in a Tennessee Divorce

When a marriage comes to an end the couple must legally end the union through the process of divorce. One purpose of the divorce process is to legally separate the assets and debts of the parties. Whether a couple has relatively few debts and assets or extremely valuable assets and significant debts the division of those debts and assets can be contentious.

Topics covered in this report include:

  1. The Divorce Process Basics
  2. What Is Property?
  3. How Is Property Divided in Tennessee?
  4. Separate vs. Marital Property
  5. Pre-Marital Agreements
  6. Co-Mingling and Transmutation of Assets
  7. Options for Dividing Assets and Debts

Click here to read the whole article or download the PDF.

Stan Bennett