Free Report: Understanding Child Support in Tennessee

Understanding Child Support in Tennessee

Whether you are the parent paying child support of the parent receiving child support it is important to have a thorough understanding of the Tennessee child support laws, including how a child support order is calculated, how child support is enforced, and how to modify a child support order. 

Topics covered in this whitepaper include:

  1. What Is Child Support?
  2. When Is Child Support Ordered?
  3. How Is a Child Support Order Calculated?
  4. Can a Parent Waive Child Support?
  5. How Long Must a Payor Pay Child Support?
  6. How Is a Child Support Order Enforced?
  7. Can Child Support Be Discharged in a Bankruptcy?
  8. What If the Payor Quits His/Her Job to Avoid Paying Support?
  9. Can A Child Support Order Be Modified?

Click here to read the whole article or download the PDF.

Stan Bennett