Regardless of how good of a driver you are, the odds are favorable that you will be involved in a motor vehicle accident at some point in your life. If those odds just proved accurate, and you find yourself dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, you are undoubtedly unsure about what to do next and worried about the outcome of your predicament. Because of the individual nature of a car accident, it is always in your best interest to consult directly with an experienced La Vergne car accident lawyer with specific questions and concerns. There are, however, some common questions victims have following a car accident. With that in mind, a La Vergne car accident lawyer has provided answers to the top five of those questions:
- Do I really need to go to the hospital after a car accident? Right after being involved in a car accident victims are often shocked and disoriented. You might feel as though you don’t need to go to the hospital because you can’t see any injuries and you only feel a little “banged up.” You really just want to go home. That is a mistake. Always accept transport to a hospital or have someone take you there for a complete medical examination following a car accident. First, some of the most serious injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury (TBI), internal bleeding, or even spinal injuries, do not exhibit immediate symptoms. Failure to diagnose them, however, could result in more serious injury or even death. Second, by having an examination conducted immediately following the accident, you provide a direct nexus between any injuries you do suffer and the accident which will help your attorney prove that your injuries were caused by the defendant.
- When should I contact an attorney? As soon as possible after the accident. The other party’s insurance company, as well as your own, will start calling within days. Do not provide a statement nor agree to talk to them until you have consulted with an experienced La Vergne car accident attorney first.
- How much is my claim worth? Only an experienced car accident attorney can provide you with an estimate; however, contrary to popular belief, there is no “magic formula” used to determine the value of a car accident case. Several factors will contribute to determining the amount of your award or settlement, including:
- The severity of your injuries
- Whether you will have permanent injuries/scars
- Your overall health prior to the accident
- The defendant’s culpability
- The defendant’s policy limits
- How long will it take to settle my accident case? Again, only an attorney can review the facts and circumstances of your case and give you an estimate; however, in all car accident cases the victim must reach “maximum medical improvement” (MMI) before a settlement can be negotiated. MMI refers to the point at which your treating physicians believes you will not make any more substantial improvements with continued care. It does not mean you are completely healed, only that even with continued medical care you won’t improve noticeably.
- What happens if I was partially at fault? Being partially at fault does not bar you from recovering damages for your injuries in the State of Tennessee. Tennessee uses comparative negligence, meaning your award or settlement will be reduced by the amount at which your own negligence contributed to the accident. For example, if you have $100,000 worth of damages and you were 20 percent at fault, your damages award would be reduced by 20 percent, or $20,000, leaving you with $80,000.
Contact Us
If you have been injured in a car accident in La Verge, Tennessee, it is in your best interest to consult with an experienced La Vergne car accident lawyer at Bennett, Michael & Hornsby. Contact the team today by calling 615-898-1560 to schedule your appointment.
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